Sharing the Journey of Love
Sharing the Journey of Love
As a Spiritual Seeker, you may choose to have your wedding officiated by someone like me...not religious, but very spiritual! I accept and honor all faiths and belief systems. I believe that true love comes in many forms and should be honored. I will marry same-sex couples as if you are my own family. If you are transgender or gender fluid, I will marry you in a way that reflects your strength. I am an ordained minister in good standing, so your marriage will be legally binding. And yes...Spirit will help, too!
Option One:
Three Premarital Counseling Sessions
Custom Wedding Rehearsal
Custom Wedding Ceremony
Marriage License
Option Two:
Custom Wedding Rehearsal
Custom Wedding Ceremony
Marriage License
Option Three:
Custom Wedding Ceremony
Marriage License
Contact me to craft your specific details through the "contact" page.